Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting (often also referred to as clustered hosting) is a step up from the shared hosting infrastructure that is commonly used today. By handling security, load balancing and server resources virtually you are no longer restricted to the limits of one physical piece of hardware. In basic terms, online operations are not limited to a single server, they have access to the processing power of a number of servers that are distributed in real time.

In a physical environment, a web site (for instance) is limited to the resource constraints that is housed within the physical unit (RAM, processing power, bandwidth etc). The concept of a cloud infrastructure no longer has this limitation – you, as a customer, can purchase as much computing power as you need from a virtually inexhaustible. The nature of the infrastructure means that scaling up and down is seamless and thus spikes in traffic aren’t problematic.

Load-balancing occurs at the software level and is dynamically load-balanced across a number of servers. Servers can be added or removed from the cluster with no impact or downtime on hosted applications meaning less disruption for customers. The cloud architecture has the ability to provide small and medium enterprises the stability and resilience of a web hosting architecture that a few years ago only huge corporate organizations could obtain through huge IT expenditure.

barnetweb now have the perfect Cloud solution for your business. Why not give us a call

Cloud Hosting not for you or not sure?

At barnetweb we offer the fill range of hosting options from shared, co-lo, dedicated server, managed server to complete racks. Call us and we can discuss the best option for you and your business


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